Panel: How Open Banking Can Help Financial Institutions Compete in the Digital Age

Panel: How Open Banking Can Help Financial Institutions Compete in the Digital Age

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM · 45 min. (Africa/Johannesburg)
Pioneer Tech & Fintech Stage, Hall 5, CTICC 2
AfricaTech: Fintech & Mobile Financial Services


  • Cross-Border: How are APIs driving needed agility of fintechs to provide multiple services across borders? How are they creating a more affordable service by reducing cross border remittances from 7% to 3% in some countries?
  • New Revenue Streams: Examining how financial institutions can utilise open banking to explore new revenue streams while delivering seamless interactions with multiple payment service providers, creating value for customers.
  • Kenya Case Study: Analysing the impact of open banking in Kenya, where regulators have mandated banks to open their systems, and examining the outcomes and lessons learned from this approach.

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